Happy new year, everyone!
It’s time for another Sunday Setlist Blog Carnival post! This week felt joyful and free-spirited; here is the rundown.
- All People That on Earth Do Dwell – William Kethe 1561 / Zac Hicks, 2009
This old hymn is set to some appropriate, contemporary music, complete with congregational clapping. Stylistically, it’s loyal to the original intent of the hymn and its lyrics which is a call for all God’s people to come before Him with gladness and joy.
- All Ye Gentile Lands Awake – Johann Rist, 1655 / Horatius Bonar, 1858 / Zac Hicks, 2008
I’m a very big fan of this song. Musically, it reflects a reverence and stateliness with a waltz rhythm as it speaks of Christ’s reversal of the curse: “Lo, the shadows flee away//For our light has come at length//Source of being, life and strength”. After each verse follows a joyous and bright chorus: “Arise! Shine! For your light has come!//And the Glory of God gathers all around you!…”. You can find this song on Zac’s album, The Glad Sound.
- Hosanna – Brooke Fraser, 2006
As the Christmas season ends we look to Christ’s second coming in Glory, Judgment and Majesty. Hosanna illustrates in a foretelling way how we will receive our Lord; praising His Name: “Hosanna! Hosanna! Hosanna in the highest!” Behind the lyrics is music which is not quite solid, but adrift and flowing, as if to illustrate the Second Coming as something still intangible but still very real and magnificent.
- Bread of the World, in Mercy Broken – Reginald Heber, 1827 / Zac Hicks, 2008
Every communion Sunday we sing this hymn. It is a song of thanksgiving for the Bread that Christ is to us. However, there is a spirit of confession in the lyrics as well: “Have mercy//Have mercy//Have mercy on us”. It is good to have both confession and thanksgiving in a communion song because the Sacrament is only for those who are truly repentant. This song can also be found on Zac’s album.
- Let Us Love and Sing and Wonder – John Newton, 1774 / Laura Taylor, 2001
Beautiful in simplicity, “Let Us Love” is firm and sure in its message. All aspects of this song are driving towards the same thing: Christ has washed us with His blood. The music is strong and the lyrics are definitive. “Let Us Love” is a song braided into one tight band, praising God for His Love and Mercy.
-Robert (Zac’s Intern 😉
Soli Deo Gloria!