Don Sweeting has a great post on the relationship between worship and justice–a connection made by the Old Testament prophets, to which American evangelical Christianity seems to be re-awakening. He teases out the implications for worship planning and leading:
Sometimes those who plan our worship are sleepy. The prayers are self-centered. Song texts are all focused on personal concerns. The preaching avoids the issues that concerned the prophets. Our services are safe and predictable. The only time we get aroused is over small stuff (music styles, carpet color) not the bug stuff (justice, mercy and the weightiness of God).
Read his whole post here.
One Comment on “Worship Ignites a Passion for Justice”
Definitely something every single person can relate to. We slip into a subconscious mindset far too often. It happens when we talk while driving and enter this multi-tasking age in which we have to give up our conscious mind to do multiple or many things. How are we supposed to appreciate the power of our Almighty God with our subconscious? I was waiting on a friend tonight and got out of my car to look at the sky. If my friend hadn't been late, it wouldn't have even crossed my mind.