Bob Kauflin, Sovereign Grace pastor and worship leader, author of Worship Matters, and blogger at, reflects on his time participating in Crowder’s Fantastical Church Music Conference last weekend. As the time was drawing near for this event, I posted about why this conference was significant, especially from the perspective of the hymns movement.
See Kauflin’s whole post, but here are some of my takeaways:
- Isaac Wardell and Bifrost Arts “led us in a low-key but engaging time of singing that was built on a more formal liturgy than most of us were probably used to. I thought they did an effective job showing how a liturgy made up of more historic elements, when well led and properly explained, can really serve to focus our eyes on the person and work of Christ.”
- According to Kauflin, it sounds like Rob Bell was a little gray on the doctrine of the atonement. Hmm…
- Four quotables from the “Why Do We Sing” panel discussion:
–“Singing is a way we give ourselves away.”
–“We sing to remember and re-member.”
–“We are separate from the world and singing helps us remember that.”
–“Singing involves relationship, faithfulness, and trusting in the work of Christ.