My humble contribution to the worship song world, thus far, has been two LP’s and a bunch of singles, pretty much all of which have been retuned hymns. I’m giving them away for free on NoiseTrade for two weeks. I’d encourage you to share the love and spread the news far and wide. The reason for this is to pre-celebrate the release of my newest project, an EP of 6 songs that have all been a part of my amazing first-year journey at Coral Ridge Presbyterian Church (this month marks exactly one year!). The album is called His Be the Victor’s Name. I think it’s my strongest work yet.
But in the meantime, enjoy the two full-length albums that have my blood and tear stains all over them.
The Glad Sound (2009) was my first attempt at a hymns record. It was a studio recording done in a mainstream pop-rock style. I learned how to make a record through the process. I love the songs on this record, and I learned a ton about recording, songwriting, and production in the process. This album contains the first hymn I ever re-tuned and one that is probably my most sung in the world (according to CCLI)—a communion hymn called “Bread of the World in Mercy Broken.”
Without Our Aid (2011) was my attempt to meld the live “arena worship” sound that was (and still is) popular (think of Hillsong and Passion) with great theology, drenched in the gospel and hymnody. It was my experiment in seeing how old hymns could interface with new waves of worship music. Without Our Aid has a big rock sound, with hints of ambient indie rock and disco. I wouldn’t describe it as “artsy,” but I stand behind its artistry. I know what went into it, and I know what its influences are.
So, GO GET THEM. And go tell everyone, please!
One Comment on “I’m Giving Away My Albums for Two Weeks!”
Thanks! What a blessing!