Because leading worship is a pastoral endeavor, it makes a lot of sense that most, if not all, facets of pastoral ministry would show up in the work of a faithful worship leader. In many ways, we can dissect the role of a pastor by examining how a person with such gifts mirrors (albeit in an extremely secondary way) what theologians call “the threefold office of Christ”–Christ as Prophet, Priest, and King. Could it be that in worship leading, the first of these three tends to go most underserved? In what sense is worship leading a prophetic endeavor?
Think, first, about the fact that worship stands at the core of what all human beings do. Think, secondly, that we all (Christians and non) have a big idol-worship problem. Think, thirdly, that the role of a prophet is often to forthtell Truth into the idolatry of the people of God and the broader culture. (Think here, particularly, about the prophets Amos and Hosea.) So, there is an aspect of worship leading that is responsible to sensitively and graciously confront one’s own idols and the idols of the flock over which God has given you care. I’d like to share a story along these lines.
Not long ago, I was visiting a worship leader friend who serves a local church in a major college football town. He relayed to me a little story that both cracks me up and lights my fire. It’s an example of a worship leader appropriately and strategically challenging cultural idols. It shows his pastoral heart and zeal for the worship of Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. Driving through this pigskin-loving city, it didn’t take long to pass by the towering stadium. It was like encountering a modern-day Roman coliseum, symbolic of all the trappings of those cultural centers of antiquity.
My friend relayed to me how much church attendance is impacted by (get this) Saturday night football games, especially if they’re home games. The number of folks gathered for corporate worship dips dramatically. In some forum where this worship leader was speaking to a significant amount of the flock, he asked a bold question to the group, simultaneously loaded with both humor and truth. The dialogue went something like this:
“Hey, how many of you folks are going to the worship event on Saturday night?”
(Confused or blank looks in response.)
“You know, the big one, where 20,000 people are coming?”
(Continued confusion.)
“You know, the one where Florida will be there?”
(Registration begins to occur.)
My friend said he got some “ahas” as well as some pushback. Without saying much, he said much. He was able to point out how many of our big cultural events truly are “worship events.” He was able to challenge the cultural idols of football. He was able, in a backhanded way, to help expose the superior allegiances that we hold above our Triune God.
You don’t have to be obnoxious to be a prophet. If you did this kind of stuff on a weekly basis, you probably will drive a wedge between you and your congregation. But, if there are strategic times when, guided by the Spirit, you choose to expose areas of growth for your people, it can be a powerful tool in the arsenal of properly pastoring the people of God.
Finally, just in case you’re still unconvinced that an innocent little game with helmeted men running after a leather oval could rise to the level of idolatry, check out this insightful post by Rod Dreher on the underpinnings of the Penn State scandal. And, in the spirit of James K. A. Smith, maybe the next time you’re at a football game you’ll be able to exegete all the liturgy and liturgical acts taking place in the bleachers and on the field.
I’d love to hear, in response:
- Some of the other ways that a worship leader functions prophetically (it might generate some blog posts or great future discussions)
- Other examples you’ve encountered of worship leaders taking this role seriously
Related post:
10 Comments on “Gutsy Worship Leading, Confronting Idols”
Good post. Things like football can be idolatrous. On the other hand I think it would be important when making such comments, especially from the pulpit, to make clear that it is not wrong to enjoy football and go to Saturday night football games. There are many Christians who enjoy sports as a gift of God and not disproportionately as an idol. We don't want to be seen as aestetics who bind up Christian liberty.
Another example would be prophetically and intentionally ignoring the church calendar of things that pop up. I'm not talking about the feast days or Lent. I'm talking about the evangelical church calendar of "special days": Mother's Day, Father's Day, Independence Day. The man leading worship should just preach the gospel on those days to emphasize what the church is all about.
Removing the flag or reminding the congregation that America will not last forever, but Christ's kingdom lasts forever are also examples of confronting idolatry.
Good points. Here in Memphis the big idol is ELVIS.
I think you mean "gutsy," not "gusty."
Do you mean "gutsy" in the title?
Great post. It does tale a balance to confront idols, though. I appreciate the call to discernment at the end.
Looking at the pastoral side of worship leading, I'd say another example of the prophetic element is shepherding and leading people personally. As we live life with the people we lead, we not only lead by our example of loving God and people (putting face to what we say), but it also allows us to speak into people's lives as we live with them. As our relationship grows with people, we get to know them more, trust forms, and it allows us to be honest with them. And as we get to know people more (or even the first time we meet them), the Holy Spirit may reveal something in their life He wants us to tell them about, and that prophetic element comes into play.
Other ways that worship leaders can function prophetically: By being ugly or old 🙂
Ben & Ron: That's hilarious. Thanks for the catch! It's changed, but I'm leaving the comments up just to remind me that I am frail flesh.
Wen: cute…and more than just a joke. There's definite truth there!
Wen: …or bald, like Elisha.
Zac, you're right – football IS the devil. (Sure took a lot of words to say that, though.)
Another element of prophetic worship leading can be quite literally using songs with lyrics that look into the future and call it forward to the present. Examples of this are Brooke Fraser's "Hosanna", Tim Hughes "Highest and Greatest", and Harris-Saddler's "Lord Most High." Songs like these are an special tool to shepherd the congregation into a prophetic & priestly role themselves, together saying "Thy kingdom come, Thy will be done".
Thanks for the thoughts, Zac.
PS: is there anyway you can remove your album promo floater on mobile? It is wildly annoying and intrusive to the screen estate while typing. Thanks.
Great thoughts, everyone. I'm taking notes!