CCM Artist Challenges Modern Worship to Write Better Songs and Embrace Liturgy

Zac HicksConvergence of Old and New in Worship, History of Worship and Church Music, Songwriting, Worship Theology & Thought5 Comments

Fernando Ortega has always behaved as one cut from a different swatch of the Contemporary Christian Music (CCM) cloth.  His instrumentation has almost always been a bit more folky and “classical.”  His melodies have always been a bit more lyrical.  His albums have always shown an awareness and embracing of the Church’s hymn tradition.  His latest album, Come Down, O Love Divine, probably goes further into history and liturgy than any previous, with two Kyries (Can I pluralize a Latin word with an English “s”?), a Sanctus, a Doxology, and several old hymns.  It’s beautiful, and much of its music can easily serve ancient-modern worship services that embrace contemporary/modern styles along with historic liturgy.

The reason I am surprised, then, by Ortega’s recent post, “Avoiding Convenience: A Word to Hymn-Writers,” is not because he lovingly calls out some of the superficiality of modern worship songwriting but because he does it so eloquently.  This is the first bit of prose that I have read from this poet, and the whole post is worth a serious read for any modern worship leader or songwriter. 

He discusses being a part of an Anglican church, where the worship-planning, understandably, is much more nuanced than a typical evangelical (block-of-songs-offering-sermon-song) liturgy:

Now that I’m in an Anglican church the weekly song search is much more complicated…There’s the lectionary to deal with—scripture passages that are appointed for every week of the year: an Old Testament reading, a Psalm, an Epistle reading (or one from Acts), and finally the Gospel reading. These readings are arranged according to the narrative of the Christian calendar: Advent, Christmas, Epiphany, Lent, Holy Week, Easter, Pentecost, and Ordinary Time (the season after Pentecost). More often than not, there’s an obvious theme that ties all the readings together such as contrition, service, God’s faithfulness, baptism, etc. I’ve learned to love the challenge of discovering that theme and finding the perfect songs to underscore and enhance the various portions of the Anglican mass. This process in the last year and a half has opened the door for me to many rich and beautiful hymns that I’d never heard before.

He then goes on to recount how his discovery of such hymns strengthens his conviction that modern worship songwriting needs to go much, much deeper.  His final challenge to songwriters is:

Be specific when you write songs about God. Avoid cliché. Avoid convenience. Avoid an obsession with the consumer. Avoid the temptation to make commercial success your central goal. Write with intelligence, employing all the craft, skill, and experience with which God has endowed you.

Thank you, Mr. Ortega.  As for me, I’ll stick to setting old hymns to new music.  I want to sit under the tutelage of the masters a bit longer before I feel up to the task of crafting lyrics.


HT: Justin Taylor

5 Comments on “CCM Artist Challenges Modern Worship to Write Better Songs and Embrace Liturgy”

  1. Yeah, that was a great post. I'd never read any of his prose before, either. His "Our Great God," written with Mac Powell of Third Day, has been one of our favorite live worship songs to sing at Sojourn for years.

  2. I had the privilege of meeting Mr. Ortega last February and talking to him a little bit about the difference between leading others before the throne of God in worship together, and performing a concert. He did a beautiful job of taking us with him to worship during Founder's Week here at Moody Bible Institute. A friend just introduced me to some of the hymn texts you are setting to music. I like what I have seen so far. 🙂

  3. I'm with you: I want to learn more hymns and enrich my life with more poetry before I start creating my own output. The world doesn't need any more cliche songs, especially as bad as I'm capable of. There is no shortage of good material already in the vault of Christian tradition.
    Having just moved into the Lutheran Church I am enjoying many of the benefits Ortega speaks to. The "typical evangelical liturgy" you refer to was a game I had to play for the last five years, so now I'm thankful to God that I can plan worship services that are more anchored in His word and focused on Christ.

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