This past Sunday, I preached on the concept of Advent in general, opening with a “riveting” explanation of Old Testament eschatology (end times teaching) and how Christ expanded and amplified that picture when He came. The main thrust of the message was to encourage us to live in the reality of Christ’s second Advent by (1) confronting the idolatry of our hearts, and (2) subverting culture’s version of “Advent”–marketing, consumerism, “good feelings,” and what not. After talking with many people after the message, I got a strong sense that as the Holy Spirit stirred hearts, people were actually hungry for a true, transformative Christmas experience. People want to take God seriously. We want something more.
If that strikes a chord with you, and if you live in the Denver Metro region, next weekend at Cherry Creek Presbyterian Church is an experience not to miss. We’re calling it “Journey to Bethlehem.” You will be able to walk its streets, interact with townspeople, and immerse yourself in the first century town that became the cradle of the living God. You’ll then be transported to a high-class concert of music and arts, crowning the Christmas story with choir, orchestra, and a storyteller. Our church is a bit larger, and for that reason, we want to bless the ones that don’t have the resources and people-power to put on something like this. It’s therefore intended for the community–not our church. Best of all, it’s FREE.
For more info and to download free tickets, go here: