(Go here for lead sheets and chord charts.)
1. I sought the Lord, and afterward I knew
He moved my soul to seek him, seeking me;
It was not I that found, O Savior true;
It was not I, no, I was found of thee.
Not I, but Christ;
Not I, but Christ.
Thou art the seeker,
And I the found.
2. Thou didst reach forth thy hand and mine enfold;
I walked and sank not on the stormy sea;
’Twas not so much that I on thee took hold;
As thou, dear Lord, had taken hold of me.
3. What but such grace can woo my heart to love—
To worship thee and seek my neighbor’s best?
When in the end I reach the heav’ns above,
All was of grace that lifted me to rest.
Glory to God,
And to the Son,
And to the Spirit,
For I am found.
To God the glory,
For I am found.