(Go here for lead sheets and chord charts.)
1. Blessed are all whose path is blameless,
All those who walk in the law of God.
Blessed are all who heed his statutes,
All who pursue with a heart unbound.
2. Blessed are those who do no evil,
All those who walk in the way of peace.
Your Word has thundered forth your precepts,
That we might keep them in word and deed.
That we might keep them in word and deed.
Only in Jesus
Way, truth, and life;
Only in Jesus
All of the law he has satisfied.
3. Make all my ways be ever faithful,
Steadfast to keep every word declared.
Never ashamed, and ever grateful,
Fix all my sight on your work prepared.
Fix all my sight on your work prepared.
4. Praising in him, with heart made righteous,
Learning to step in your perfect paths.
Spirit, now keep me in your statutes
Never forsaking, hold me fast.
Never forsaking, hold me fast.